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Information density. It basically means the internet is so filled with chatter about every single imaginable subject that it’s going to get more and more difficult for companies to get their message out. It’s tough now, and it’s only going to get tougher.

Imagine the amount of information available on the internet in ten years. How about twenty years? It’s why having good quality content and optimizing your web site for search engines is so vital. If you can’t get your content seen, it doesn’t matter how good it is.

Information Cloud series. Background design of connected abstract elements on the subject of cloud networking information data storage and modern technology

Information density has already caused some huge shifts this year for internet marketers. Most notably is the recent changes to Facebook. Organic reach is great if you have an engaged audience. But for many businesses, if they want to increase their reach, they’re going to have to put some advertising money into their Facebook marketing.

Because of these changes, many businesses are beginning to look outside the Facebook box and striking out for greener pastures. Just one more reason to keep an open mind when it comes to new social media outlets. Big changes could be ahead as business flees Facebook. Be on the lookout for the new guy.

It would probably hard to find a business that’s not on social media these days. Forgoing social media is tantamount to suicide in today’s marketplace. But most companies tend to focus on only the large powerhouses like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

But there are always social media outlets coming out, and ignoring them is a bad idea. You never know which one is the next big gun.

Consider outlets like Pheed, which focuses on users sharing visual content. They already have a loyal user base and an innovative pay per view option where companies can sell related videos. Pheed is perfect for businesses that market technical products that may require further video tutorials after purchase.

There’s also Wanelo, a social shopping app with over ten million users. Wanelo offers millions of products from pretty much everywhere and is very much focused on sharing content from user to user. Users can see what products other users have liked and there’s a wishlist feature. Expect to see it growing in popularity throughout 2015.

These are just a couple of examples. There are plenty of social media outlets popping up all the time, and business to business apps are no exception.

As the internet gets more and more clogged, good content gets more and more important. But perhaps even more important is your chosen medium. By all accounts that’s going to need to be video if you want to keep your head above water.

Endless bombardment of content has made the average internet user’s’ attention span very short. This is a natural development as it is simply humanly impossible to give everything you come across on the internet your full and undivided attention.


In order to get through the day, we scan content, determine its value to us, and either commit some of our time to it or move on.

dog surfing the  internet with a computer

This is why video is going to dominate the future or internet marketing. Videos allow companies to engage socially with the perfect bite sized pieces of content that followers can consume on autopilot. It’s quick, multi-sensory engagement that requires no commitment beyond clicking play to use.

Remember those short attention spans? Video can work with those.

Video gives internet marketers the ability to reach out to potential customers on emotional levels that blogs, Facebook and Twitter posts, and images simply can’t.

Think about recent marketing campaigns that get viewers watching an advertisement they don’t even know is an advertisement. At least not until the adorable CGI baby polar bear pops the top on a popular soda or that happy new puppy gets fed some brand x dog food after two minutes of playing with its new owner in its new forever home.

Branded content in the form of a narrative get potential customers engaged in story before they even realize it’s an advertisement. Good branded content gives your customers the opportunity to connect with your brand. If your company can find a way to make those connections, you’ll see loyal customers who will stick around for the long haul.

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These are just a few ways you can ensure that your efforts in the New Year will have maximum benefits for your business. Opportunities abound in the area of growing your business with Internet marketing strategies.

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Oliver and Sam

Co-Founders and Social Strategists

Loud Media Solutions

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