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Google Analyitics Tips: 3 Key Website Metrics You Need To Watch

Getting people to your custom wordpress website is only the beginning….

Watch out for these three of your website visitors behaviors to see whether people stay engaged once they arrive:

Google Analytics Custom Websites1) How often are they hitting the Back button?

Your “bounce rate” shows you how many people are clicking the Back button on your site. Your goal is to have a bounce rate that is very low on your most important pages.

2) How long they stay on your site?

Track your website visit duration to know how long visitors stay on your site.

3) Are they coming back for more?

Offer updated content based on how many new vs. returning visitors you see coming to your site.

Watch these metrics across all reports to see if your most important pages are delivering. You might be surprised at some of the insights you’ll discover.

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Oliver and Sam
Co-Founders and Fellow Googlers
Loud Media Solutions

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Sam: 858 518 1533

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