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When it comes to internet marketing, there’s always going to be a million ways you can mess it up.

No matter what industry you’re in, poor internet marketing practices are a sure fire way to damage your company’s reputation and make sure no one wants to see you coming.

If your company has been abusive, annoying, or irresponsible, no one is going to sign up for your emails or pay any attention to your ads.

Once that happens, you can bet you have some costly rebranding or bankruptcy on the horizon.  But take heart. There are tried and true internet marketing practices that have worked since day one.

You just have to be patient and be willing to do the work.

Don’t risk your company’s reputation and future on the quick and easy ways. They often end up doing more harm than good.

"internet Marketing" Handwritten With White Chalk On A Blackboar

1.) Don’t Pad Your Resume-

Remember when you were just getting into the workforce? Did you ever pad your accomplishments a little on your resume hoping to get a foot in the door?

Well, don’t do that with your internet marketing. You shouldn’t embellish any facet of your company’s credentials. And don’t make false statements about your company’s capabilities, either.

That kind of stuff usually finds its way to the surface and then your company looks fraudulent and deceitful. Build your company’s credentials by satisfying your customers. A good reputation will then come to you naturally.

2.) Don’t Make Assumptions About Your Market-

You are not a natural example of your market audience. Disregard your personal feelings about your product and, by extension, your industry or field. For example, you love cookies so much you started a cookie company.

That doesn’t mean you should base your marketing on your personal tastes and opinions regarding cookies. Your marketing should always be rooted in legitimate market research, not your personal feelings or experiences.

Relying on opinions and predictions will lead to you misunderstanding your market, and making the wrong calls in your internet marketing.

3.) Don’t Look Like The Bad Guys-

You’ve surely seen the infinite parade of information sales pitches on the internet. They make outrageous claims about what their packet or notebook of nonsense can do for you and how awesome it will make your life.

You can purchase a “program,” or a “formula for success.” They make claims about how you can quit your job after a week, it’s money back guaranteed, or you can make X amount of dollars with only a few hours work.

Most people with any common sense know that these people are liars, scammers, and bad guys. Don’t employ any kind of verbiage, imagery, or use any kind of marketing resembling anything the bad guys use.

People are immediately turned off by this kind of marketing and your reputation will suffer. And deservedly so, because you should never be an internet marketing bad guy.

Computer Stress

4.) Don’t Be Annoying And Disingenuous-

Nobody like annoying people. Not in real life and certainly not on the internet. And like we just discussed, no one likes to be around liars and suck ups. Be straight with your internet marketing.

You know you’re trying to make sales and earn a living. So do your customers. So don’t tell them you’re not interested in making a profit because you just want to share something awesome to improve their life and the community.

That’s a condescending lie you see in sales pitches on the internet everywhere. Don’t use street slang. It’s silly and unprofessional. Don’t tell someone they’ll be “rockin’ it” with your product.

Don’t tell your customers and followers that anything you offer is available for a “limited time only.” Unless it really is for some strange reason, and even then, you probably shouldn’t mention it.

This list is practically never ending. Just remember two things: be honest, and ask yourself, “would this annoy me?” If the answer is yes, just don’t do it.

You’ll be fine.

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These are just a few ways you can ensure that your efforts in the New Year will have maximum benefits for your business. Opportunities abound in the area of growing your business with Internet marketing strategies.

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If you would like any help or have questions, contact us anytime.

Oliver and Sam

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Co-Founders and Social Strategists

Loud Media Solutions

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